Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Boat Tinny

The tinnie (tinny) is the most popular boat across Australia with upwards of 16,000 being built across Australia every year plus one would imagine that up to one million Tinnys are scattered around Australia, this is the largest boat market Australia wide. The value these domain names to an industry or business in the tinnie market is enormous in terms of possible sales of tinnys or tinny parts and accessories.

A variant of "tinny"/"tinnie" is also commonly used as slang for a runabout, or a small open aluminium boat commonly used for fishing, recreation or water sports coaching. Most items referred to in this region as "tinnies" are actually made out of aluminium.

Different Tinnie Boats Available

Tinnies come in all shapes, sizes, styles, features, engines, speed & colours and also known as a Runabout; A runabout is any small motorboat holding between four and eight people, well suited to moving about on the water. Runabouts can be used for racing, for pleasure activities like fishing and water skiing, or as a ship's tender for larger vessels. Some common runabout boats are bow rider, centre console, cuddy and walkaround.


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